Hiking for Health

Want to improve your health AND have fun? Take a hike! Hiking has significant health benefits. Here are just 5: Hiking on rugged trail surfaces is a natural way to engage your core muscles, Burn calories — Hiking on uneven terrain increases the amount of energy used by your body by 28 percent compared to […]

Wearing Xero Shoes can build foot strength

A study by a team led by Drs. Sarah Ridge and Marc Olsen showed that merely walking in minimalist shoes built foot muscle strength as much as doing a foot strengthening exercise program. That study didn’t use Xero Shoes, but Dr. Ridge says that wearing Xero Shoes should give the same benefit as the ones […]

Harvard’s Guide to Healthy Feet – Are you doing what they say?

Our local newspaper, the Denver Post included an insert, The Harvard Health Guide to Healthy Living. Lots of great info in there, but my favorite is the section, Keeping Your Feet Healthy. What does it recommend? Check out this video for a few highlights and my commentary. And if you want to read the transcript […]

How to Adjust Xero Shoes Sandals for a Perfect Fit

To get a just-right fit for your sandals, follow the instructions below. And if you need more help, feel free to reach out to our Customer Happiness Team at [email protected]. For all of our sandals, you want to aim for “snug but comfortable.” Z-Trek and Z-Trail sport sandals Cloud, Genesis (and Venture) huarache-style thong sandals […]

Flat Feet, High Arches, and Running Barefoot

Not infrequently, when the topic of barefoot running comes up, or someone takes a look at my Xero Shoes, whomever I’m speaking with will say: I can’t do that. I need support. Oh? I’ll respond. Why do you need support? Then something happens that I love. I get one of two seemingly contradictory answers. Either: […]

How to find TRULY comfortable shoes

The secret to finding comfortable shoes… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90ipQ4vn-u0   It’s probably not what you think. And it’s definitely not what “Big Shoe” companies have been saying for the last 50 years. It’s not because you need more arch support or better cushioning or to control your pronation or supination. The secret is actually what humans have […]