How to Walk Barefoot

I expect (and kind of hope) that many people reading the title of this section will think, “Uh, I don’t need instruction about how to walk. I’ve been doing it all my life.” I also expect (and definitely hope) that others will read the title and think, “Finally, the answer to my most burning question! […]

How NOT to Start Barefoot Running

I was on a panel discussion about barefoot running a while back. At one point, someone in the audience asked, So how do I transition to barefoot running? NOTE — even if you’re not a runner, this story is still relevant and important for you… okay, back to the story… Before I could respond, a […]

Will Barefoot Running Heal My Injuries?

As barefoot running and walking (and hiking, and kayaking, and anything else you can do barefoot) become more popular, the one question that comes up more and more is: Will being barefoot or in Xero Shoes cure me of my problems? And the list of problems includes: Flat feet High arches Leg length differences Plantar […]